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Archives for 2006
happy new year!
frozen cherries
fullerton, ca
changes in the boston artworld
i switched to the new blogger!
my nod to andreas gursky
no, not the "in-out burger"
alas, the liquid law
california coast and then some
palms by night
palms by day
california loot
magic milk
welcome back
roadtrip nation
my blog turns one!
the gift on grand
bonbon oiseau
orla kiely plus
back to shopping: use this elf
beyond shopping
shopping party tonight
kathy malone
lisa solomon
12 days of christmas
amy tavern
andreas gursky
the condiment packet museum
holiday decor: laser-cut snowflakes
everybody dance
domino thinks so too!
flight 001
hot off the presses: our karate belt in real simple magazine
holiday toast and other festive arrangements
cyber monday
bo concept
elaine perlov
jonathan adler
plunket & pivet
more about the tg feast
prelude to a feast
angela and le corbu's cousin, ooh la la
pancake architecture
i dream a lot about buffets, do you?
recommendations from friends
cutest pumas
two great new york foods
cezanne sells for almost 34 million at sotheby's today
more web tracker stats
rescued posts from the blogger beyond: egg timer tips
video: sushi time
almond breeze: before and after
a chocolate drink made from almonds?
modular dressing and french style
happy halloween!
wouldn't you want to become an expert on cameos?
trying to get my zen on
multi-tasking, reconsidered
pre-show breakfast
lovable moptop
what is the moral of the story?
website business continued
website frustration
new 'cameo tops'
'the lovers' necklace featured on stylehive
fashion is a dog-eat-dog business
assorted tidbits about karl, the kaiser
justin timerberlake is a fashion designer now too
thanks to 'elit alice'
for all of you fans of project runway
just 2 days to go until cobble hill
musings on the designer portrait
countertop breakfast
ahhh blogger
at bloggerheads
now why is this ok?
catch me live
new accessories pages
steel cacti!!!!!
mouse arm
spam and other unwanted intruders
improptu fashion event this evening!
new rewards program on site back up! server trouble
wps1: art radio
more online shopping tips from elaine
how to shop online
indie shopping
sumptuous silver
penchant for plastic
better make good use of this day
how do you like this logo?
framing elements: the new index page
an aerial view of my breakfast today
the spinach scare
a cure for the common cold?
something pretty and delicious
4 famous people that have the name...
hidden gem: champion coffee
on bagels: bagel world's fair
i finally found the amherst club
new art installation at the lever house
geisha top: get the last one in size small
plates to go with your elk's lodge decor
separation anxiety
thank goodness i didn't miss the funny
more musings: pleasant surroundings
great wall
musings: my old Boston self returns
art in the everyday: valencia
2 sneak peaks for Fall 06: fabrics
have you seen these shoes?
how do you like these sneakers?
something about shopping: jumelle
modular dressing in graphic design
transition into fall 06: the new index page
to do or to tell, that is the question
a few sneak peaks
the geisha top is almost sold out
dear plummies,
something about shopping: oh dear
hidden gem: le petit cafe
look, a blook on the horizon!
art in the everyday
look what the apartment therapy book got me to do
more about the plummy awards
modular dressing for the table
cuckoo for coasters
apartment therapy, the book
nominated for a plummy
these are nice too
isn't this neat?
new columns coming to the blog
the blog, illustrated, at last
i think i know the person that knows these people
clean like you have company coming over
wall sculpture for the bathroom
more press
she's the queen of 30 minutes?
blogging via satellite
in the home stretch
wire snarl
benevolent fire box: comparison #3
more recipe basics
heat rant
10 things to do to stay cool that won't cost you too much
word of the day
dollar store delights
new dress, heat wave-proof
2006 on the rise! awards
back to blogging, mostly
hmmm, another write-up!
633 spam emails
computer melt-down
don't miss the buss!
5 events in july, oh my
don't miss the bus!
omoshiroi bi-de-o (interesting video)
your search for the perfect card has ended
the leftovers are calling me
a la mode
seven-ten split
along those same lines: escutcheons
controlled nature
this just in
add another month to my archive
get your own project success board
interesting things i found while clicking around
i can't believe i didn't think of this combo sooner
my cushy summer ironing board set-up
title change*: elaine takes you behind the blog
tricked-out ironing board plus more bagel musings
two little slices of heaven
what i have been doing instead of blogging lately
fun outfits for the fourth!
must blog
report from the renegade craft fair
egg timer tips + pep talk
time management
sewing fortune #1
seventh heaven
lox and bagels
my dad makes the best egg creams
philodendron t
interior design revisited
recipe help again
somewhere in williamsburg
free 411
quiet contemplation
life in fashion
head full of art
fantasy sandal #5
dharmic duo
lucky's catch of the day
oscar niemeyer
what is interior design?
field trip: nysid
the hi-lo belt loop
frank gehry
analog blogger
independent luxe
ny school of interior design
another cooling potion
sneaker & phone ensemble
dialed in
ice (coffee) cubes
cold vietnamese noodles
more meditations on a grecian urn
the unofficial start of iced tea season
last minute getaways
his friend elaine
a closer look at the cherry rancho
lines i like
my e-mail to crumbs
crumbs merch
healthy snack vs. crumbs cupcakes
fashion as self-help
new new new
still basking in last week's blog glory
a sneak peak
decor8 readers!
top sellers from sunday's market
food blogs
what's in there?
blogging does beget blogging
lace pinstripe tank
i chose this one
i am a test pattern. gee (2nd edition)
senju-kannon buddha-bot?
benevolent fire box: comparison #2
fantasy sandal #4
a collage a day
roses tee
blog of the week!
the best time for magnolia
treasures at the pet store
pumas revisited
dreams of comfort
bruno ravioli
happy mother's day to my mom
how-to hints #4: regarding shoes
outlook not so good for shopping
fantasy sandal #3
rock the vote...again
brooklyn designer's market
fantasy sandal #2
hoping for sunny shopping this saturday
woodn't you want these too?
fantasy sandal #1
it's sandal season!
what a bargain
monday morning nice surprise #2
icff in nycc
it's street fair season!
plants, planters, planted
cuatro de mayo
design fantasy: the future perfect
shopping trip: a&g merch
the art to neatness
this sunday with Karey Kyle
a kinder, gentler grafitti
tres tres
delightful blogs & alexa
bag of the week!
a "to don't" list?
the fresh birdies
lady licorice
this sunday
ceramic birdies at fresh
more marc
marc jacobs accessories
a sugar loophole
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